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Overnight Oats with granola and berries

June 29, 2022

Enjoyed a quick breakfast of overnight soaked oats, homemade GF granola and fresh organic berries.



The evening before, add 1/2 cup coconut milk (or other nut milk of your choice), 1/2 tsp vanilla (I make my own, see recipe below), 1 tsp local honey and 1 tsp chia seeds. Shake well. Add 1/2 cup GF organic oats, replacelid and shake again. Stick in fridge overnight. In the morning you can eat it cold or pop itin the microwave for a minute. Add nuts, berries, banana slices, GF granola, dried fruit with no sugar added, a drizzle of good maple syrup and/or any other toppings of your choice.


©2022 by Auberge Babette

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