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Egg over Duck and Potatoes

November 6, 2022

Last night my son and daughter-in-law took me to Duck Duck Goose, a restaurant in Baltimore (click on restaurant reviews from thee home page, and then select Baltimore, MD). Luckily I have leftovers! I'm including this post, because dinner leftovers often make my favorite breakfasts the following morning. One of my favorite all-time breakfasts, is when I order clams and mussels and have a little of the tomato infused sauce to take home. I only need a few spoonfuls of this delicious sauce...but of course you have to warn your co-diners that you're going to do this, because in my experience, it can be a little embarrassing for them. But I've had gracious servers, and when I explain how excited I am to repurpose the leftover sauce that I LOVE, for breakfast, they seem to take it as a compliment. Anyway, didn't mean to digress...

I tore up the leftover duck and potatoes, and placed them in a heated pan. I added a tiny bit of butter to the duck fat that melted, and tipped the pan so it would all slide over to where I was going to crack the egg. I flipped the egg for just a second at the end, to make sure the whites were cooked through (I like the whites cooked thoroughly but the yolks runny). Delicious breakfast. I encourage leftovers...your own, or those from a restaurant you like...for egg scrambles the next day...or under a fried egg, as I did here. Sometimes I add a few greens to the pan as well, especially if I have washed and torn up kale in the fridge. Yummy!


©2022 by Auberge Babette

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