November 13, 2 022
This photo reveals my preference for a well-peppered egg, but the hash was really the star of this breakfast. Sadly, the most delicious component didn't get the attention it deserved in the photo. I had some cut roasted beets left over from dinner last night, which inspired the hash. I like pairing something spicy with sweet raosted beets, so I added the diced chili. Also, I happened to pick up some prosciutto from the butcher yesterday that I was going to wrap my fish in last night...but decided against I chopped it up and added to the hash as well. This breakfast was packed with flavor; sweet, spicy, salty & with the egg, umami. (The remaining flavor profiles, sour and a touch of bitter, showed up in a sparkling citrus drink I made to go with the egg & hash.)
To make:
I pulled out a small jar from the fridge that I had filled with leftover diced raw red onion and chives from last night's meal prep. I sauteed these in a bit of butter until soft, then added some diced red chili & 5 chopped slices of prosciutto (for 2 adults) until lightly browned. I cut up a piece of homemade wheat sourdough bread (I keep slicesof various homemade sourdoughs in the freezer) and tossed that in as well, lightly toasting it. (I've used potatoes in beet hash in the past as well, but didn't want to bother with them today.) Right before everything in the pan was browned to my liking, I added the chopped roasted beets, to warm them. Meanwhile, I fried 3 eggs in a little butter (two for my husband and one for me.) I prefer my egg on top of hash, potatoes or toast, and not to the the runny yolk drizzles over everything beneath, after my fork cuts into it. I also had some cut pear "matchsticks" left over from making salad last night, so we had these on the side. This was an easy and yummy Sunday Brunch,and not overly filling! (Easy, mainly because I had extra chopped/diced ingredients from last night's dinner prep.)